Saturday, 2 March 2013

Genius tablet Mouse Pen i608 8x6 Review

I was chilling on the internet as usual, and saw some people talking about how great their wacom tablets are.

I saw someone mentioning they got their wacom tablet for "only" $200...
(hah... only... =___=|| It's like saying my iPhone6 is ONLY a few thousand bucks)

Then I remembered my wonderful Genius tablet, which I bought for $60.

I have had this tablet for 3 years. It has never failed on me. I haven't had ANY problems with it so far.

I have been looking at other people's reviews on this tablet. There didn't seem to be many around.
It's hard for me to do this review considering I've never had an expensive wacom tablet. But here's my opinion on my own Genius tablet Mouse Pen i608.

1. It is very cheap. I could buy 3 Genius tablets for the price of 1 wacom...
2. My own one lasted pretty well. Haven't had any trouble in the 3 years I've had it.
3. It does its job.

To be fair, I also looked at other people's reviews on Genius tablet Mouse Pen i608.
1. A general comment was regarding the fact it uses battery.
(I didn't actually know it uses battery till I read those reviews...)
Well normally noone would ever use the mouse that comes with it (which has 2 batteries in it), so if it does run out of battery you could always use that. I don't see it as an issue personally.

2. No eraser at the other end.
I think I don't mind pressing the "e" button.

3. No "tilt" sensitivity.
What's that?

 Overall, I think Genius is THE tablet of choice for any beginners and anyone who draws as a hobby. (Unless you got lots of money, then you could always buy Wacom)

In another life


New Drawing.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

I so Beautifo

So everyone always post pretty instagram photos of themselves everywhere...

Here's an instagram photo of my half-eaten biscuit.
 (The redness represents hunger, the white envelope represents hope, the holes on the biscuits is like my heart...)

Instagram makes a banana peel look artistic and beautiful. It's even more Impressive if I add some words in fancy font on it.

But then---- I discovered this other camera app called Line Camera.

My face:

(Who needs wigs and make up when you have Line Camera?)

It is total hilariousm.

Here's my fav one:

Well that was fun.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Eyebags and The Lost Aria

The Lost Aria was discussing about problems with eyebags...

So... I used my epicful research skills that I have acquired over the University years.

Eyebags, also known as dark eye circles, or periorbital dark circles, panda eyes, racoon eyes, Requiem's eyes, Sunglasses eyes, it is something cosplayers and pop stars such as Britney Spears, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber dread.
This condition may be hereditary or it may be acquired, it may also be produced by crying with non-waterproof eyeliners.
 (Notice how this panda has black eyes)

Etiology of Eyebags:
The periorbital skin is very thin, so vessles can be seen under the skin, kinda like before emo people slit their wrist, they can see the vein running under their skin on the anterior aspect of their forearm.

Some people are born this way. Lady Gaga even made a song about it.
Some people don't sleep enough, or eat badly, or they smoke. No scientific evidence was found whether smoking weed or smoking cigarettes make a difference to dark circles.
(Notice how Lady Gaga has no black eyes)

Other things like liver pathologies, anemia, hay fever, fluid retention, asthma, or eczema may contribute as well.

Non-Pharmacological Treatment:
1. Sleep well. Which means you are not allowed to play WoW or PWI at 4am.
2. Eat healthy

Alternative Treatments:
1. Sliced cucumbers on eyes. You may also walk out like this and pretend to be a zombie.
2. Potato. Apply potato on eyes. yes.
(This is the most beautiful potato I found through google images)

Strange interventions:
1. frozen spoon. You put the spoon on your eyes, with your eyes CLOSED.
2. cool teabags
(The spoon is watching you)

Pharmacological Treatments:
1. under eye cream

Other Treatments:
1. Make up
2. Photoshop

Now, to show off my amazing vancouver reference technique:
[1] Nocturne's guide to no dark circles Author: T.L.A. Nocturne et al Year: [2053]www. [website][2] Nocturne is not on drugs at the moment... Click to expand

Friday, 20 July 2012

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Pandora Hearts Cosplay

Had Pandora Hearts Cosplay photoshoot with Lullaby a few months back.

I was Xerxes Break, She was Sharon-sama! *bows to the Ojou-sama*

(Sharon-Sama, Cupcake?)

So... I was gonna upload some out-take photos onto my blog. But I think Symphony has all our photos. (It's probably a conspiracy to blackmail us all later)

I guess you guys just have to look at the glorified photos here, lol. They are on our website. But I'm just posting it here anyway because I want to highlight my own importance, LOL.

AND HERE'S A PHOTO OF ME *emphasises*:

WHY YES, I AM XERXES BREAK,you may also call me Mr. Handsome

And pretty Lullaby, <3 She suits Sharon so much!
If you look closely, there's actually a sandwich in the foreground

Look out for Requiem's Alice cosplay soon! She will be Alice and the Will of the Abyss, ^__^
Also we will have handsome Glen and Jack photoshoots coming up~


Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Another Day

So I had a crazy day of drawing lots of things... then I came across those drawing memes... and decided to draw one.

Then I saw this funny Handwriting one, so I had to do it...